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About Momentum

About Momentum

Our vision is that the young people of Norfolk are inspired to enjoy a brighter future

We believe that voluntary and community organisations and groups are vital in providing opportunities that inspire, involve and empower the children and young people of Norfolk. We aim to support and enable the provision of quality services which are safe, accessible and inclusive for young people.

We aim to:

  • Deliver outstanding support to those organisations with whom we work
  • Support high quality services to young people, by creating opportunities to share good practice
  • Use our growing profile and voice to strengthen local youth services
  • Be a strong and focused organisation able to demonstrate our impact

Momentum has been part of Voluntary Norfolk since 2018, and we work closely with our Voluntary Norfolk Communities team colleagues to offer support to the voluntary and community sector in our county. The groups we work with are varied, ranging from volunteer-led youth clubs up to large regional youth charities. As well as the support we offer to groups and organisations, we coordinate the Voluntary Sector Forum for Children, Young People and Families, which enables the sector to contribute towards strategic changes that will make children and young people’s lives better.

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