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Voluntary Sector Forum

Welcome to the Voluntary Sector Forum (Children, Young People and Families)

What is it?

The Voluntary Sector Forum (Children, Young People and Families) is a forum for voluntary community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations that provide services to children, young people and their families in Norfolk.   The Forum provides a means for two-way engagement between our sector and statutory partners.  It is also an effective mechanism for members to raise key issues that impact on our sector and those we represent.

Who can be a member?

Membership is open to any practitioner (whether paid or unpaid), manager or trustee of any voluntary, self-help, not for profit (including CICs) charities or organisations that:

  • Work with children, young people up to the age of 18 years (25 years for those young people with additional needs) and families
  • Provide services in Norfolk
  • Membership is also open to our infrastructure partners

Any number of people from the same organisation may register, attend meetings and stand for election as representatives of the Forum.  However, each organisation only has one vote and this is usually given to the most senior representative of the organisation. 

Does it cost to join?

Membership is free.

Why should I join?

The VCSE sector in Norfolk consists of hundreds of groups delivering support and services to children, young people and families. This diverse range of groups forms a vital network of support to children, young people and families; helping to reduce the pressure on our statutory partners.  In order for our sector to be effective it is essential that we support one another, understand the how our services work together and influence decision-making by our statutory partners that will impact on those we support.

The Forum exists to do just that and much more:

  • We unite together to speak with one voice at a strategic level within the County.
  • We ensure there are mechanisms to discuss and communicate key issues for members.
  • We provide opportunities to build relationships with others.
  • We provide a place for discussion and debate on the issues that matter most to you.
  • We can help you stay informed and equipped in a rapidly changing environment.
  • We strive to ensure that your views reach those who make decisions that impact on our work

How does this happen?

The Forum has elected representatives that sit on multi-agency boards and steering groups who give a voice to Forum members and feedback the key issues to members during the quarterly meetings. There are four meetings each year; held in March, June, September and December.

Members are kept up to date via email and during meetings.

To join please complete our registration form and return it to:

Registration form

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