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Introducing Momentum Youth Fund

Momentum has years of experience of supporting local groups working with young people through our Momentum (Norfolk) Grants Programme. We are now excited to introduce Momentum Youth Fund, which combines our experience with Norfolk Community Foundation’s expertise in running innovative funding programmes for local communities.

The model and structure of Momentum Youth Fund is very similar to our previous Momentum Grants Programme:

  • It offers small grants of up to £500 to voluntary clubs, groups & organisations working with young people aged 11-19 years in Norfolk.
  • Grants can be used towards activity, project, training, equipment costs or for starting up a new group.
  • Applications will be assessed by young people from Youth Parliament.

The deadline for submission of applications is Monday 8th July. We expect to confirm funding decisions by mid-August.

Find out more and apply

Other Grants

The following organisations also offer grants to groups working with young people. If you want to stay up to date with all latest funding opportunities, make sure to check our Funding notice board.

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